Wasan Group of Companies
60 years of service with a smile
“Service with a smile” is our motto and have already created lakhs of satisfied “Wasan Customers”.

Wasan Group Success
Automobile 168飞艇开奖官网直播视频 行运飞行艇官方开号历史记录查询, Dealerships
have been the founding values of our automotive businesses and we relentlessly strive
to maintain these values which make us the best at what we do

Our Vision
Our Vision is to diversify business operation's with service with Smile to each & every customers. Focus on continuous business development, along with the teams overall growth & contribute to the society.

Our Mission
Progressively enhance business volumes with all-round growth of the team, aimed at utmost Customer satisfaction, where fairness & transparency are key parameter's
Educational Institute
Wasan Knowledge 飞艇体彩168官网全面精准开奖计划
WASAN Group Network

4 TATA (Passenger Cars)
- 2 Sales Centres & 2 Service Centres
10 TOYOTA (Passenger Cars)
- 4 Sales Centres, 4 Service Centre, 2 Used Car Centre
8 BharatBenz (Trucks)
- 2 Sales & Service Centres(3S), 4 Sales Centers, 1 Spares and Service Center, 1 Service Center
5 Bajaj (Two Wheeler)
- 5 Sales & Service Centres